Difference between Half Adder and Full Adder

Difference between Half Adder and Full Adder

Half adder

  •          It is used for two 1-bit additions.
  •         Require one Ex-OR gate and one AND gate to build it.
  •         Output of Half adder is summation of two signals.
  •         Circuit is simple.
  •         It has two input pins and two output pins.
  •         We cannot use it as a Full adder.


Full adder

  •         It is used for two multi -bit addition.
  •         Require two Ex-OR gate , two AND gate and one OR gate to build it.
  •         Output of Full adder is summation of three signals.
  •         Circuit is complicated.
  •         It has Three input pins and two output pins.
  •         We can use it as a half adder.