Comparison between Combinational circuit and Sequential circuit

Comparison between Combinational circuit and Sequential circuit

Combinational Circuit

  • Just logic gates are used for circuit. Memory elements are not used.
  • Output of any instant is depending on only that instant input condition.
  • There is no delay between input and output.(excluding propagation delay)
  • Circuit does not contain memory element so design of circuit is easy.
  • Require more hardware compare to Sequential circuit
  • Due to more hardware cost is more.

Sequential Circuit

  • Logic gates and Memory elements both are used for circuit.
  • Output of any instant is depending on that instant input condition. And It also depends of previous condition of output.
  • There is delay between input and output.(excluding propagation delay)
  • Circuit contain memory element so design of circuit is difficult.
  • Require less hardware compare to Combinational circuit
  • Due to less hardware cost is less.